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Milbank My Home

Leaving my home in the city
Gray lonely,and faceless
When the sun did shine
We’d run to the corner of 166
By Moes candy store
And jump into our neighborhood pond
The local fire hydrant
We would Frolic as girls Jumped rope
and looked on with twinkles in their eyes
Sparsely green it was and downright cold
At times this was my home
When told I’d be leaving I cried
Asking mom why
I was sent away far away
My new world my new home
Milbank where I died
And where I was reborn
The metaphor apparent
The sun always shined at Milbank
A real home with a Pointy roof
A white picket fence
Corralling daffodils
There was ducks and frogs
Snakes and bats and more grass
But there was no hydrant
With empty cans of reingold
Beer abound
Only a brook, a lake, and two pools
There was grass galore and trees
And blue skies
As far as the eye can see
This was my new home
A place where I belonged
Even the name Milbank sounded
Homey pleasant and everlasting
When I finally left Milbank
We all sang in a lull
My friends cried I cried
Then I died
Never to be reborn
As before…

– Tony Tocaa

All rights reserved. Poems may not be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying, recording, or by any
information storage and retrieval system, without the permission of A.Camacho Jr. or Bluesboy2000@aol.com

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