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wings of time

Wings of time

Peering through portals of time
on gossamer wings.
Just past 89
cherished moments
crystal bottles
blue haze
memories never fade
seems like only yesterday
small tyke I was
could run like the wind
running so fast, so free
barely touching the ground
I was on
feeling sure so secure
wished it could last forever
oh those wondrous years
nighty nite time travelers
good night my love
clocks unravel church bells chimes
the sign of the times
as clocks wind down
tick tock….tick tock….
minutes to minutes
tick tock….tick tock….
hours to day
day by day
years shine ahead
echoing our lives and
going through time on….
gossamer wings

– Tony Tocaa

All rights reserved. Poems may not be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying, recording, or by any
information storage and retrieval system, without the permission of A.Camacho Jr. or Bluesboy2000@aol.com

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